a person wearing glasses

Health Services for Seniors

Medical advancements are enabling people to live longer, but older individuals are still prone to age-related health issues. As you age you can benefit from both health services and healthcare professionals who are qualified to treat or mitigate your specific age-related health needs.

Natural Supplements


Older adults typically experience muscle loss and mobility issues as they age. Hormone levels also change. These factors contribute to weight loss, which puts seniors at risk of developing diabetes.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for seniors. Calcium and vitamin D can help prevent bone density loss and loss of muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass and bone density can help reduce balance issues and lower the risk of serious injuries from falls.

Seniors also need to consume enough fiber to maintain a healthy digestive system. Insufficient fiber consumption can also increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You can also help maintain healthy blood pressure levels by consuming potassium.

Vision and Hearing


As of 2016, 77.5% of Americans wore eyeglasses. Regular checkups with your optometrist can help you maintain optimal eye health. Eye damage can be caused by direct sunlight and cigarette smoke. The lens of the eye also loses elasticity over time, which can cause presbyopia. This age-related vision issue causes farsightedness. It can be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Other treatment options include lens implants, refractive surgery, and corneal inlays.

As you age the hair cells in your inner ear can be damaged or destroyed. You may be able to reduce the risk of hearing loss with lifestyle changes. Avoid prolonged exposure to loud noises or wear protective coverings if you work in construction or a similar field.

Consult with an audiology expert at Hearing Health USA to monitor the health of your hearing and receive information about additional measures you can take to prevent hearing loss. These audiologists can also prescribe hearing aids if you have experienced permanent hearing loss.



The muscle and bone density loss that is common for seniors can impact physical mobility. Older individuals are also more likely to suffer from arthritis. Seeing a physical therapist can be an effective way to treat these issues or to help prevent them. Physical therapists are medical doctors who specialize in developing programs to help their patients maintain or increase their range of mobility. They can also help their patients manage pain and help prevent weight gain.

An occupational therapist is a medical professional who specializes in working with individuals to help them maximize their fine motor skills. Their objective is to help their patients be able to complete routine activities.

Age-related health issues can cause an older person’s hands to shake and make it difficult for them to perform routine tasks. Individuals who have suffered from a stroke may also need to relearn how to perform basic functions. Occupational therapists can help individuals relearn how to complete regular tasks such as fastening buttons and writing.

Mental Health


Many older adults suffer from depression. This can be the result of chronic health problems and the inability to engage in preferred activities. Depression can also be caused by social isolation and grief. As you age you will experience loss as friends and family pass. You may find that you benefit from talking to a counselor to help you process the challenges you are experiencing as you age.

You can also combat depression by utilizing the services of a personal care aide or home health aide. These professionals are able to come to your home and provide a range of services. They may clean or cook for you. They can also provide safe transportation so that you can see family and friends or attend social functions. Home health aides are also able to give medications. They can also provide companionship and social interaction during their visits.