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The Difference Between Traditional Commerce & eCommerce Accounting

Having a business takes a lot of time and effort. Hiring the right accountant to manage your financial assets takes trust. Combine these three things and you’ll have a higher chance of developing a booming business, whether it’s brick and mortar or pixels on the web. Although these two types of businesses have many similarities, there are certain aspects that distinguish them apart from each other.

For instance, while an accountant for a brick and mortar business will likely have to be present at the site to gather the necessary data to calculate your expenses or profit, an accountant working for an eCommerce business can achieve everything through the internet. If you’re looking for the differences between accounting for ecommerce business and a traditional business, continue reading to find out.

Traditional Commerce


A traditional business includes the selling of goods and services directly to a client group that’s face to face with the business. For example, going to the mall is a form of traditional commerce. Traditional commerce also offers a very limited time frame in which their products and services are made available. This can present a roadblock for those looking to make a constant flow of money in their businesses.


Unlike traditional commerce, eCommerce provides clients with 24/7 access to their goods from anywhere in the world. Not to mention, eCommerce business owners have the same freedom to run their business from wherever they desire in the world. All they need is a laptop, internet connection, solid marketing, and excellent accounting. Whatever your business idea, be sure to look into its eCommerce alternative so you too can live freely and enjoy your business while you travel.



When it comes to accounting, there are several reasons why business people prefer the eCommerce alternative. One of the most common reasons why people prefer eCommerce accounting is its convenience. eCommerce has opened the doors to many business ideas that can be conducted from a desktop, laptop, tablet, and even a smartphone. This is why eCommerce accounting has taken over the industry over its traditional counterpart. Now, digital businesses don’t have to depend on brick-and-mortar establishments to get their money’s worth. They can solely rely on outsourced teams of eCommerce accountants to plan their finances, budgets, forecasting, cash flow maintenance, and scalability.


Thanks to this convenience, accounting has also evolved to be even more cost-effective. Accounting businesses don’t have to pay lease or rent for their office space nor do they have to pay insurance for them. They no longer have to pay employees for many benefits such as lunch or special activities that would require the use of a conference room or ballroom for example.

This has also led the way to many software solutions that can automatically generate reports from the eCommerce business’s available data. Many websites and eCommerce portals on the web have been designed or built to generate data pertaining to sales, profits, losses, website traffic, clients, inventory, and many other things that an accounting team can use to properly plan the company’s finances.



With the convenience of working from anywhere in the world, eCommerce accounting is also known for its time-saving features that make the industry succeed over the traditional method. eCommerce accounting saves its employees the time they have to spend commuting to different headquarters, the time consumed creating reports by hand, and the time spent meeting with clients. In addition, eCommerce accounting businesses help their clients save plenty of time when working in real-time numbers rather than with outdated data and reports.

These are but a handful of the many differences between traditional commerce and eCommerce accounting, which can ultimately benefit your eCommerce business.